Frequently Asked Questions
What is Reiki Usui ?
Is Reiki Usui safe ?
Who is Reiki for ?
- People with functional or chronic illnesses and pain: When medical treatments provide insufficient relief, Reiki can complement them for additional support.
- People experiencing emotional distress or addiction: Reiki sessions can focus on emotional or mental well-being, using other techniques developed by Mikao Usui.
- Pregnant women: Reiki can support them throughout pregnancy, promoting peace and calm for a more serene childbirth.
- Children and teenagers: Sessions are shorter and always take place in the presence of parents. Reiki can help with school difficulties, exam preparation, academic stress, or specific needs.
- Elderly individuals and those in palliative care: At home or in a hospital setting, Reiki can provide support for a more peaceful end of life. For specific conditions, it helps relieve physical and emotional suffering (anxiety), offering comfort to both patients and their families.
- Caregivers: Those who wish to support their loved ones or others—physically, emotionally, or mentally—can benefit from Reiki sessions to regain the strength to help others.
- For personal development: People without specific issues but seeking personal or spiritual growth can use Reiki to enhance self-awareness.
Is Reiki similar to a religion or a cult ?
Reiki is neither a cult nor a religion and cannot be assimilated to either. It is complementary to all therapies, whether traditional or alternative. The Reiki Federation advises avoiding any person or organization claiming to hold the “true” and “only” Reiki or the original teachings. Also, avoid those who suggest stopping or reducing any ongoing medical treatment, as only your treating doctor or specialist is authorized to do so. Keep in mind that Reiki does not require any belief system to be effective. Keep your discernment!
How does a Reiki Usui session unfold ?
What are the benefits of Reiki Usui ?
Each session is unique, and the effects vary from person to person. However, most people experience deep relaxation or a sense of serenity during and after each session. Reiki continues to work for several days after the session, at varying subtle levels: physical, mental, emotional, and even with an increased awareness.
- Reiki provides an energy boost that re-harmonizes and revitalizes the body.
- It helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
- It strengthens the immune system.
- It improves sleep quality.
- It soothes physical and emotional pain.
Is Reiki Usui compatible with other treatments ?
Yes, Reiki Usui can be used alongside other medical treatments. It does not replace traditional medical care but can support it by helping to reduce side effects and accelerate the healing process.
Who can practice Reiki Usui ?
How many Reiki Usui sessions are necessary ?
Indications and contraindications ?
Sessions are suitable for all ages and can help alleviate various common issues. They are complementary to conventional medicine.
Precautions: In the case of untreated fractures or serious mental illnesses, it is essential to consult a doctor before undertaking any energy-based treatment. Energy healing does not replace traditional medicine, but works in synergy to promote overall well-being.
Side effects ?
- Intense emotional reactions: Some people may experience waves of repressed emotions surfacing, like an emotional bubble bursting after being held in for a long time.
- Physical sensations: Tingling, warmth, or chills may appear during or after the session, indicating an energetic realignment.
- Temporary fatigue: The release of blocked energies may lead to temporary fatigue, signaling that the body is regulating itself.
- Awakenings: Some people may have profound revelations about themselves, bringing to light aspects that require special attention.